A watchful eye within healthcare

Our digital products

We are convinced of our dream to make the world a better place and to improve life in healthcare. With the right amount of confidence, we will achieve what we want in this.


Thanks to you

Our personality is shaped by the people we interact with, the opportunities presented to us, how much we believe in ourselves and how much discipline we have. That’s a mouth full. Yet it brings us where we are now. Partly thanks to you. We are entering familiar territory every day. The care. With you. We are experiencing the developments: an aging market with more and more people in need of care. Nursing that lacks hands, especially at night. Their care for clients are changing, even though their heart for care continues to beat the same.


The question to us is clear. More control at a glance. Being able to see remotely. Efficiency, so that more effective care can be offered. Changeover support. Limitation of false alarms. Safeguarding privacy.


These wishes don’t just seem ideal, they are. We are always looking for knowledge, in everything we do we see an opportunity to learn something new and we wait for a special moment. We are proud to announce that we have realized your wishes. In a simple application, available to everyone, for now, or later. The Hallòw® Smart Mattress, our Smart Mattress 2.0.

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Discover our Hallòw® Smart Mattress

Connect. Watch. Follow and take Care.

The Hallòw® method

With a simple connection, the Hallòw® Smart Mattress transmits signals to a platform or a mobile phone of the carer. An extra watchful eye, just what we wanted. The Hallòw® Smart Mattress also registers the presence and/or absence and detects whether someone is sitting on the edge of the bed. It can therefore also detect if someone is about to leave the bed, in other words: edge detection. By monitoring these two states, false alarms are minimized. Preventing decubitus is an important focus in healthcare. Preventive measures, if clients turn every 3 hours, are very labour-intensive. In practice, many clients turn on their own. The Bossy® Smart Mattress monitors which clients have turned on their own. Thanks to this secure monitoring, a better changeover policy can be implemented. The Bossy® Smart Mattress not only guarantees the privacy of the client but also ensures a more efficient night’s sleep. That is beautiful.

As a waking eye

Communicates Hallòw® with you

According to the needs of the client and caregiver, it is determined when an alarm is desirable. This way, a client can always go to the toilet independently without an alarm going off. The sensors communicate via a module mounted under the bed with the call system or other alarm platform. The alarm is then transmitted to the caregiver’s device (e.g., cell phone). The module is plug and play. It can easily transmit the alarm through multiple communication channels. These include the LTE-M network (this network only works with medical devices) but also Wifi and Dect, Ethernet (RJ-45), Bluetooth, Potential free contact. Easily said flexibility with the capital F.

Unique to Hallòw®

is the scalability

Hallòw® has, in addition to all the practical advantages, also a major financial advantage. It needs little explanation that the savings in personnel costs are enormous. Unique to this concept is scalability. The smart-ready Hallòw® Smart mattress is offered at the same price as the care mattresses. Healthcare institutions can then use Bossy®’s smart functionalities at any time, with a low-cost data subscription model. For many years, we have been guaranteeing the quality of Bossy® with a technology that is always up-to-date. With the Bossy® Smart Mattress, false alarms are reduced to a minimum, enabling us to provide more care with the same people, thus ensuring quality of care.

Connect, Watch, Follow and take Care

To keep the watchful eye within healthcare innovating and make our smart products accessible to everyone, we chose our own platform. A platform that calls it out: Hallòw®.

Deron medical sleepsolutions

An endless connection Of knowledge

Our platform HALLÒW®

Due to the increasing need for care, healthcare is under constant pressure. We hold good care in our hearts. Care and welfare must remain accessible and affordable for everyone. It remains a challenge to connect all questions, needs, knowledge and experience with the carer, the care manager, the producer, the insurer and the government with our Hallòw® platform. We all do this with only one goal: to improve healthcare. For more protection. For you. For me. Check out our platform here: https://hallowplatform.com/

Questions? We are happy to help

We can be reached on weekdays from 08:00 to 17:00 on telephone number: +31 (0)481 45 13 44. No urgency? If so, you can also use the enquiry form on the contact page.
